
Method create(String baseDN, String filter, LdapSearchScope scope, String[] attributes, LdapDereferencePolicy derefPolicy, Number sizeLimit, Number timeLimit, boolean typesOnly)




Name Type Description
baseDN String The base DN for the search request. It must not be {@code null}
filter String The filter to use to identify matching entries. It must not be {@code null}.
scope LdapSearchScope The scope that specifies the range of entries that should be examined for the search.
attributes String[] The set of attributes that should be returned in matching entries. It may be {@code null} or empty if the default attribute set (all user attributes) is to be requested.
derefPolicy LdapDereferencePolicy The dereference policy the server should use for any aliases encountered while processing the search.
sizeLimit Number The maximum number of entries that the server should return for the search. A value of zero indicates that there should be no limit.
timeLimit Number The maximum length of time in seconds that the server should spend processing this search request. A value of zero indicates that there should be no limit
typesOnly boolean Indicates whether to return only attribute names in matching entries, or both attribute names and values