
Class IpamDhcpOptions

Extends java.lang.Object
Infoblox IPAM DHCP Options


Name Type Description
domainName String The domain name (DNS suffix)
domainNameServers String[] The IP addresses of the DNS servers
domainSearch String[] The DNS suffixes for search
netbiosNameServers String[] The IP addresses of the NetBIOS name servers. Applicable only for IPv4 networks.
routers String[] The IP addresses of the routers. Applicable only for IPv4 networks.


Name Returns
IpamDhcpOptions() constructor
isComplete() boolean
mergeDhcpOptions(Object[] ) void
toDhcpOptionList() Object[]
toString() String

Returned by

Method Returns
IpamNetworkManager.getNetworkContainerInheritedDhcpOptions(String ipAddress, Number cidr, String networkView) IpamDhcpOptions

Referenced in
