
Class LdapDereferencePolicy

This class defines a data type for dereference policy values. Clients should generally use one of the {@code NEVER}, {@code SEARCHING}, {@code FINDING}, {@code ALWAYS} values.


Name Type Description
ALWAYS LdapDereferencePolicy A predefined dereference policy value which indicates that the server should dereference the base entry if it happens to be an alias entry, and should also dereference any entries that may be encountered while examining candidates.
FINDING LdapDereferencePolicy A predefined dereference policy value which indicates that the server should dereference the base entry if it happens to be an alias entry, but it should not dereference any alias entries that may be encountered while examining candidate entries.
NEVER LdapDereferencePolicy A predefined dereference policy value which indicates that the server should not dereference any aliases that it encounters.
SEARCHING LdapDereferencePolicy A predefined dereference policy value which indicates that the server should dereference any aliases that it may encounter while examining candidate entries, but it should not dereference the base entry if it happens to be an alias entry.



Returned by

Method Returns
LdapSearchRequest.getDereferencePolicy() LdapDereferencePolicy

Referenced in

Method Returns , LdapSearchScope , LdapDereferencePolicy , Number , Number , String , String[] ) LdapSearchResult
LdapSearchRequest.create(String baseDN, String filter, LdapSearchScope scope, String[] attributes, LdapDereferencePolicy derefPolicy, Number sizeLimit, Number timeLimit, boolean typesOnly) LdapSearchRequest
LdapSearchRequest.createRequest(String , String , LdapSearchScope , String[] , LdapDereferencePolicy , Number , Number , boolean ) LdapSearchRequest
LdapSearchRequest.setDerefPolicy(LdapDereferencePolicy ) void